Customer & Staff Surveys

Customer & Staff Surveys

Carrying out research into what your customers or staff are thinking. From working with you to understand what information you would like to find out, developing your research project plan, drawing up the question sets, running the survey, collecting the responses, right through to compiling and analysing the results.

Surveys can be carried out on your behalf online, by phone, or by post. Responses to paper and postal surveys can be input into survey software or direct into Excel to provide you with a flat database of the results.

Research is carried out in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK Market Research Society's Code of Conduct.

Why does having a research plan help?

Taking the time to develop a customer research plan helps to identify the aims and objectives of the survey upfront.  It raises key questions that are best addressed at the planning stage rather waiting until the survey results have been analysed.  It reduces the risk that key information has been missed.  For example:

  • What information do you need to find out?
  • Do you already collect some of this information and in what format?
  • Is the information you are looking to find out necessary for your project?
  • Do you need to collect this data?
  • How is the information going to be used?
  • Who will it be shared with and how?

Apart from running the risk of making your survey overlong you could also fall foul of the UK GDPR by collecting more personal information than you need. An effective research plan reduces these risks and ensures you collect the information you need to know.